Totally worth the money. Just need to get used to it.
Totally worth the money. Just need to get used to it.
This game is really nice and alot like Pokemon but, I dont think it is worth the price. It should be 99 cents. Great game, I recommend it!
It just really needs updates
Rip-off. Dont go here.
Bad mapping and laggy glitches out a lot
Its funny shortly
I agree with picohero. It is a great game with a good start. Just some small things need to be changed. Like her said the dialogue box gets in the way at times and sometimes you cant enter buildings. Also when saving I have I idea if I have saved it into a slot because the slot doesnt change and tell me how long I have played for or anything. Also the way battles are fought are a tiny bit lame but I know if Im patient it will be amazing in a few months. Overall it is a great start.
Its really bad. I played it for 5 minutes and couldnt go on. The walking is buggy, and there are no fight animation. The fighting animations consist of a blank white screen with 2 centimeter sprites. Thats it. No movement. If u fix this, 5 stars
Not good!
Fun concept, but I dont feel like I am achieving anything. The movements are glitchy, the monsters arent very creative ( itd be more exciting if the evolved) also its a bit tedious. The word boxes are in the way a lot too. Also, I would enjoy a status where I can see if my monster thing is getting stronger. (I feel they dont gain strength.) If you could make the game smoother and a bit more creative, Im sure itll become a five star game in no time. (Finding items would be nice too.)
Id suggest waiting to see if an update is released. This plays like it was rushed out before it was finished. Dialogue boxes keep repeating if you dont run away from NPCs or buildings quickly enough. Battles are not exciting. Would recommend saving up for one of the Chaos Rings games or one of the Kotobuki RPG titles.
Mobile Monsters is like Pokemon but on my iPhone! It is tons of fun with simple controls and deep gameplay. 5 stars
I have no issues with this game. Its one of the best monster-capture games Ive played on my iPhone
I found it ok at the start but after the first guy in the game the was bugs and slow down. Its need some more upgrade!
This game is awesome related to the game pokemon if you are looking for a game similar to Pokemon this is the game.
Do not buy this game. It is a waste of money.
This game is amazing i love the battle system. I recamend the fire sheep starter.
I spend a lot of money on games / apps and have roughly 3600. This has several good reviews which I cant believe were playing the same game. This game gets stuck every time a character tries to speak. I have yet to go much beyond that and havent seen a monster yet. I play on an iPhone 4. Either give the customers theyre money back or fix this problem. Customers warning : dont let the cute cool looking icon fool you
Really good ive been searching for a game like pokemon on the ipod forever now ive found it! Just one thing make baattle more exciting and make the sprites in the battle bigger also ive been having this problem where when i go to the team menu nothing shows but i have a monster! Please fix it now!!!
I got glitch Im on the threes I can get out and Im pist